b'Priest Lake Public LibraryThe building that presently houses thePriestLakePublicLibrarywas originallyconstructedasaone-roomschoolhouseknownasLamb CreekSchool.Theschoolservedthe educationalneedsofPriestLake children for a quarter of a century and remainsasatestamenttothelakes pioneeringheritage.LambCreek School was built in 1934 andoperated continuously until June 1961.Ina1974dedicationceremony, LambCreekSchoolwasreopenedas Priest Lake Library, a volunteer library toassistintheeducationofour children and provide enjoyment for the community and its visitors. That status continued until 1999 when the library wasre-designatedasthePriestLake Public Library.Todaythelibraryhousesover 10,000volumesofbooks,movies, audio books and other resources that includesalargeselectionofregional information and a historical collection ofNellShipmanvideosandscripts. The library has 24/7 WiFi available for public use. The library hosts a number of programs throughout the year, and during summer there will be activities happeningatthelibraryforchildren of all ages to enjoy. Book donations are gratefully accepted.Youareinvitedtotakethe opportunity to visit the library, chat with the friendly staff and marvel at early log cabinconstructiontechniqueswhich reinforce the old adage that they dont build them like that anymore.The Priest Lake Library is located at 28769 State Highway 57 (past milepost 28)justnorthoftheturn-offtoLuby Bay.Thebuildingwasplacedonthe National Historic Register in 1999.44 Priest Lake, Idahowww.priestlake.org'