• Post Falls Dam

  • Photographed by Tom Holman

North Idaho Events and Activities

Events Calendar

Wine, Stein and Dine
Saturday, March 01, 2025, 06:00pm - 09:00pm

Sample fine wine, microbrew and food from over 85 area wineries, microbreweries and restaurants. Silent auction, wine tree raffle, live entertainment and complimentary wine glass or beer stein.  This is the annual premier benefit for the Post Falls Education Foundation providing teaching grants for innovative classroom education for all grades in the Post Falls School District. In the past, we have awarded thousands of dollars! 

Ticket includes all food, wine, beer, cider and complimentary wine glass or beer stein.

Website: www.pfefwsd.org


Location Kootenai County Fairgrounds
$50 per person.
Must be 21.